Area Code LookUp is SilverWARE's first commercial product for the Palm OS. Its features include:
Area Code LookUp is $5. This demo version will function for 30 days from the time it is first installed. Registered users will be able to receive e-mail notification when the product has been updated with new area codes. SilverWARE is committed to keeping the area code database accurate and up to date. Version 1.1 now includes all of the new area codes as of 10/15/99 Version 1.2 now fixes a bug with the 3.5 OS also is up to date as of 4/15/00 Version 1.3 is up to date as of 10/15/00 Version 1.5 is up to date as of 7/15/03 Area Code Lookup 1.5 30 day fully functional Demo -Zip Area Code LookUp 1.5 30 day fully functional Demo- StuffIt